- 她们没有一个是真正的罪犯。
- None of them is really a criminal .
- 他将面临刑事调查。
- He faces a criminal probe .
- 他的研究兴趣是罪犯们的切口。
- His basic academic interest was criminal slang .
- 违反该规定的员工会被炒鱿鱼。
- Employees who violate them can be fired .
- 当然,现在的科技使得侵犯隐私比过去更加容易了。
- Sure , today 's technology make it easier than ever to violate privacy .
- 你甚至不需要传播这些文件就有可能侵犯了反间谍法。
- You don 't even have to share the documents to violate the espionage act .
- 模式混淆低成本航空公司和地区性航空公司的偷梁换柱策略。
- Mode is promiscuous -- the perpetrate a fraud of low cost airline and regional airline is politic .
- 它致力于动员公众舆论对实施滥用人权的个体施加压力.
- It works to mobilize public opinion which exerts pressureonindividuals who perpetrate abuses .
- 担心自己成为个人资料盗窃的受害者,可签署cifas这是英国的防欺诈服务机构,信用记录上将标识姓名和地址可能被用于欺诈犯罪。
- Anyone who was concerned they might be the victim of identity theft was told to subscribe to cifas , the uk 's fraud prevention service , to have a note placed on credit records to say that their name and address may have been used to perpetrate identity fraud .
- 想想那个非民选的欧盟委员会吧。
- Consider the unelected european commission .
- 每次带给你一个买主,你就给他们支付佣金。
- Every time they send you a buyer , you pay them a commission .
- 欧盟委员会亦在敦促作出改变。
- The european commission is also urging change .