- 犁是否引起了态度的形成,或者换一种说法,是否存在这种态度形成了这个假设?
- Did the plough cause attitudes to be formed , in other words , or did existing attitudes lead to its adoption ?
- 经济学家可以去使用农业气候条件去预测那个地方将会适合使用犁。
- The economists were able to use measures of agro-climatic conditions to predict which parts of the world would adopt the plough .
- 蛙的鼓噪声可能比牛还高,但是他们既拉不了犁也推不动磨,用他们的皮也做不成鞋。
- Frogs may bellow louder than bulls , but they cannot drag the plough in the field nor turn the wheel of the winepress , and of their skins you cannot make shoes .