- mits的创始人艾德罗伯茨受《星际迷航》中的行星目的地启发而想到了“牵牛星”这个名字。
- Mits founder ed roberts got the name altair from the stellar destination in a star trek episode .
- 严格说来,牵牛星(altair)是一家设计工程公司,因此该公司正在寻找伙伴加入建造足够的公交车而开始一个示范和测试车队。
- Altair is strictly a design and engineering firm , so it is looking for someone to join it in building enough buses to launch a demonstration and test fleet .
- 当美国重返月球时,四位宇航员将乘坐猎户飞船飞向月球轨道,然后全部进入牛郎星登月器去探测月球。
- When america returns to the moon , four astronauts will ride in orion to lunar orbit and then all of them will move into the altair lunar lander to go explore the moon .