- 指导方针仅仅包含微观经济改革。
- The guidelines involve only microeconomic reforms .
- 提高生产力也涉及农业改革。
- Enhancing productivity will involve structural reform .
- 该金融工具必须包含一些政府债务的连带责任。
- This instrument must involve some joint liability for government debts .
- 教皇的关心是有道理的。
- The pope 's concern is justified .
- 担心过度使用化学品吗?
- Concern about over-use of chemicals ?
- 然而现在主要关心的并不是经济。
- But economics is not its main concern .
- 其他人则认为以色列对伊的打击意在把马上要竞选美国总统的奥巴马拉下水,届时,奥巴马显得软弱无能,便会因失去大量选票而落选。
- Others foresee an israeli strike designed to drag in barack obama in the run-up to america 's presidential vote when he will have most to lose from seeming weak .
- 我们很容易设想这种冲突将如何把美国拖下水、扰乱海湾地区及其石油运输,并让黎巴嫩燃起战火。
- It is easy to imagine how such a conflict would drag in the us disrupt the gulf and its oil traffic and set fire to lebanon .
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