- 她就像一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在流江河畔,吸引着众多莘莘学子。
- She is like a shining pearl inlaid in liujiang river , which attracts many talented students .
- 砂质碎屑流是近年来日益受到重视的一种新的砂体成因类型,其相关理论是对“鲍玛序列”和“浊积扇”等深水沉积理论的部分否定和完善。
- Sandy debris flow is a new sandy type and attracts more and more attention in recent years . Its relative theory is partial negation and improvement of deep water sediments concepts like the " bouma sequence " and " turbidite fan " .
- 比如在美国,正是简单的事件吸引大多数人的眼球学生斗殴、汽车展览会上的长腿妇人、交警跳恰恰。
- Like in america , it 's the uncomplicated that often attracts the most eyeballs -- student brawls , long-legged women at car shows , a traffic cop doing the cha cha .