- 她的恐惧转为了坚定的决心。
- Her fear turned to a firm resolve .
- 大公司是个错综复杂的组织。
- A big firm is a complicated organisation .
- 三得利则是一家私营的家族企业。
- Suntory is a private , family-run firm .
- 经济荣景建立在坚实的基础。
- The boom is based on solid foundations .
- 用玻璃来代替固体的厨房门。
- Replace solid cabinet doors with glass ones .
- 他更喜欢待在他坚实的数学基石上。
- He preferred to stay on the solid ground of his mathematics .
- 能获得更高的品牌忠诚度。
- Might secure greater brand loyalty .
- 安全住房本就稀有。
- Secure housing is already scarce .
- 了自己安全而寻求替罪羊。
- For a scapegoat to feel secure .
- 但总统正面临着在阿富汗撤军太快的风险。
- But the president risks running down american forces in afghanistan too fast .
- 市政府官员说他们在以最快的速度行动。
- City officials say they are moving as fast as they can .
- 还有一个例子与大脑另外一个发育过快的部分有关。
- Another example relates to the other part of the brain that grows too fast .