- 一只雄性水蟒张开的大嘴。
- The open mouth of a male anaconda .
- 男性的包皮手术看似也能控制疾病的传播。
- Male circumcision seems to limit the disease 's spread .
- 她的男同学并非都这么有同情心。
- Not all her male classmates were as empathetic .
- 第一位当然是几乎像神一样呈现的毛。
- First of course is mao , presented almost as a god .
- 克服着病痛的毛散发出强大的决心和意志力。
- Overcoming his handicaps mao exuded an extraordinary willpower and determination .
- 党的保守派尊崇毛,薄先生成为他们的英雄。
- Mr bo became a hero to party conservatives who venerate mao .