- 达雷尔伊萨,关于监督和众议院政府改革委员会新任主席,已经暗示他打算成为总统的个人牛虻,而国土安全委员会主席彼得金计划举办的“激进”的穆斯林在美国听证会
- Darrell issa , incoming chair of the house committee on oversight and government reform , has signaled his intention to become the president 's personal gadfly , while homeland security committee chairman peter king plans to hold hearings on the " radicalization " of muslims in the u. s.
- 埃及是一头美丽的小母牛,但是有一只牛蝇从北方向她扑来。
- Egypt is a beautiful heifer , but a gadfly is coming against her from the north .
- 二个合法的研究服务的支配在联邦和州法院判决的发布之上被一个网际网路形似苍蝇挑战。
- The domination of two legal research services over the publication of federal and state court decisions is being challenged by an internet gadfly .
- 不过同卡梅伦和克莱格的较量或许可以弱化他冷淡形象的一面。
- Yet taking on mr cameron and mr clegg might soften his aloof image .
- 克莱格先生已看到海外执政联盟的效果。
- Mr clegg has seen how coalitions work abroad .
- 但无论是cameron还是clegg都不能很容易地宣布那种沾染着党派冲突鲜血的政策。
- But neither mr cameron nor mr clegg can easily announce policies that drip with the red blood of partisan conflict .