- 研究人员还不清楚这种满足感的根源是什么。
- The root of this satisfaction remains unclear .
- 但是,造成这场危机的根源非常简单。
- But the root cause is simple enough .
- 日本日益减少的人口是这两种现象的根本原因。
- Japan 's shrinking population is at the root of both phenomena .
- 方女士说,银行如政辨部门将受命通过其信贷、税收和汇率政策提供帮助。
- Ms fang says banks and government departments will be told to help out with their credit , taxation and currency-exchange policies .
- 在狼的尖牙内部,是长着石楠的山。
- Inside the wolf 's fang , the mountain of heather .
- 更为严重的是,方博士声称肖博士夸大了其发明的一种具有潜在革命性的手术方法的效果。
- More seriously , dr fang alleged that dr xiao had exaggerated the efficacy of a potentially revolutionary surgical procedure he had invented .
- 它们必须拥有相邻的根。
- They had to have neighboring roots .
- 他们说这些根长得比较好。
- They say the roots develop better .
- 所以我在堪萨斯的根是很深的。
- So my kansas roots run deep .