- 向上爬的最可靠的方式是什么?
- What 's the surest way to climb ?
- 我只是想努力爬真正难的路线。
- I just want to climb really hard .
- 它不是世界上最美丽,最有成就感的攀登。
- It is not the prettiest or most fulfilling climb in the world .
- googlewebmastertools允许你检查你网站爬行的统计信息。
- Google webmaster tools allow you check the crawl statistics of your site .
- 在此后的几个小时内,美国全国的互联网通讯慢的像爬一样。
- For many hours , internet traffic slowed to a crawl across the entire country .
- 现代鳄鱼则用肚子爬行,因为它们的腿伸展到了身体两侧。
- Modern crocodiles crawl on their bellies because their legs sprawl out to the side .
- 然后他爬进高高的草丛里面,等待朝圣者男孩跑出屋子到那条长长的泥巴路上。
- Then he would creep away in the tall grass and wait for the pilgrim boy to run out of the house , down the long dirt path .
- 一旦你决定原谅那个以言语伤害你的人,会有些时刻生气愤怒的情绪再次爬上你的心头。
- Once you decided to forgive the person who said the hurtful words , there are moments when the feelings of anger and resentment will try to creep into your mind again .
- 然后她把可怜的小格雷特拖上炉门,那下面火焰正熊熊燃烧,然后说:“从这里爬进去,看看是不是足够热来烘培面包了。”
- Then she dragged poor little grethel up to the oven door , under which the flames were burning fiercely , and said : " creep in there , and see if it is hot enough yet to bake the bread . "
- 这些品质需要一定程度的谦逊,而这在那些野心勃勃、一心往上爬的人中很是少见。
- These traits require a degree of modesty scarce among those ambitious enough to clamber to the top .
- 为了在社会等级的梯子上往上爬,有些人周末和晚上都在办公室埋头苦干。
- To clamber up the pecking order , some people slave away nights and weekends at the office .
- 在一个寒冷刺骨的冬夜,他必须爬到铁路油罐车的顶上用量油尺检查油面位置。
- On a bitterly cold night , he had to clamber to the top of a dozen rail tankers to check oil levels with a dipstick .