- 条纹图案的印花布,表现出一点点时尚.
- An allover skinny stripe pattern is a little bit mod , a little bit pirate .
- 喝些放了燕麦片的酸奶,吃些抹上点花生酱的薄饼干,或是一块含有些许蛋白质的格兰诺拉。
- Have a little yogurt with cereal in it , a little bit of peanut butter on some crackers , or a granola bar with a little bit of protein in it .
- 消费者自己说这种款式的魅力在于能给人以一丝怀旧及唯我独尊感。
- Consumers themselves say the appeal is a little bit nostalgic , and a little bit in-your-face .