- 全场爆发出一阵掌声。
- The crowd burst into applause .
- 这次的泡沫将破裂得更快。
- This bubble will burst sooner .
- 有时,也会爆发紧张事件。
- But tensions occasionally burst into the open .
- 危险之处在于该国容易爆发暴力冲突。
- The danger is its propensity to explode .
- 当1a类超新星爆发的时候整个宇宙都能看到。
- When they explode type 1a supernovae briefly become visible across the universe .
- 当你感觉自己要怒火爆发的时候,它们会帮助你冷静下来。
- They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode .
- 可能目前更大的担忧并不是艾雅法拉火山,而是附近的卡特拉火山也很可能有喷发的危险。
- Perhaps even more worrying than that is the risk that the neighbouring katla volcano might erupt too .
- 当您看到火山喷发时喷涌而出的白色浪云时,云朵中大部分是水蒸气。
- When volcanoes erupt and you see a white billowing cloud hurtling to the sky , much of that is water vapor .
- 冰岛是个多火山国家,这是一个罕见的10年,大多数火山并未喷发。
- Iceland has a lot of volcanoes , and it 's a rare decade where one of them doesn 't erupt .
- 但最新爆发的恶感可能损害两国间欣欣向荣的经贸往来。
- But the latest outburst of ill feeling threatens to undermine their flourishing economic ties .
- 结果这种留声机和贝尔的格拉福风留声机之间爆发了激烈的竞争。
- The upshot was an outburst of intense competition between the phonograph and bell 's machine the graphophone .
- 然而,毫无疑问,州长们自由观点的集中爆发反映了权力的的进一步转变。
- Still , there seems little doubt that the outburst of freelancing by governors is both reflecting and furthering a shift in the balance of power .