- 利比亚战争说明,即使是最好战的欧洲各国也是多么严重地需要美国的帮助。
- The war in libya shows how badly even the most martial european states need america 's help .
- 据此更为激进的反对派怀疑在马京达瑙的军事管制其实是为在更广范围实施它而进行的演习。
- Her more extreme opponents suspect that the declaration of martial law in maguindanao is a dry-run for its imposition more broadly .
- 军方精神病医生nidalmalikhasan少校被指控与枪击事件有关,预计将于2012年三月面临军事法庭的审判。
- Army psychiatrist major nidal malik hasan was charged with the shootings and is expected to face a court martial in march 2012 .