- 雇主们最担心熟练工人短缺。
- Employers worry most about skilled workers .
- 与此同时,南非企业却极其缺乏熟练劳动力。
- Meanwhile businesses were starved of skilled labour .
- 如果招集与训练一群更懂得如何赢得俘虏们信任的更熟练的质问者,情况会有好转。
- It would have been better off recruiting and training more skilled interrogators who knew how to win the trust of their subjects .
- 早在古代冥想就被人用来练习,尤其是在东方国度里。
- Meditation has been practised since ancient times , mainly in the east .
- 而且他们对彻底削减成本的手段足够熟练。
- And it has become well practised in the art of ruthlessly cutting costs .
- 之所以会这样是因为,在冥想的过程中本源能量进入到你,那时你就已经练习了沉静。
- This happens because you have practised stillness during meditation when the source energy was going into you .
- 熟练掌握最新的技术是在当前残酷就业市场生存的法宝。
- Becoming proficient with the latest technologyis key to staying employed in a difficult job market .
- 进入mba专业的学生首先必须具有流畅的英语表达能力,并且至少能熟练使用其他两种语言之一。
- Students joining its mba programme must be fluent in english and proficient in at least one other .
- 即使最精通的软件工程师和软件开发者也承认,要删除这些数据非常棘手,可能需要执行多个步骤。
- Even the most proficient software engineers and developers acknowledge that deleting that data is tricky and may require multiple steps .