- 就算这个行星可以把任何出现在它上面的生命烤熟,它也标志着长久以来的科学幻想成真了一部分。
- Even if this planet is cooked to within an inch of its life , this is still literally a fantasy come true .
- 番茄红素要和某些脂肪一起烹调后才能被最好地吸收。
- For best absorption , lycopene should be cooked with some kind of fat .
- 一份有利于心脏健康的膳食应该每天包含不超过6盎司的烹调过的瘦肉。
- A heart-healthy diet should contain no more than 6 ounces of cooked lean meat a day .
- 重整美国大学的时机已然成熟了。
- American universities are ripe for shaking .
- 这个国家革命的条件还并未成熟。
- This country was not ripe for revolution .
- 其他行业接受类似待遇的时机已经成熟。
- Other industries are ripe for similar treatment .
- 不管怎样,美国似乎正在走上一条熟悉的道路。
- In any case , the us appears to be following a familiar pattern .
- 秋天的某日一位熟悉的访客来敲我们的门。
- And one fall day , a familiar visitor came knocking on our door .
- lytro公司甚至都不用人们熟悉的像素指标来给它的相机归类。
- Lytro doesn 't even classify its camera by the familiar megapixel measure .
- 因为他还有活儿要干。
- There was work to be done .
- 而托沃兹就干过这种事情。
- Torvalds has done that kind of thing .
- 适当地干家务活会杀了你。
- Housework done properly can kill you .