- 像图中的越南,通常这样的熔炼在是距离住所很近而且没有任何污染控制的地方进行的。
- Too often such smelting , like that pictured here in vietnam , happens in backyards without any pollution controls .
- 钢是铁与碳的合金,焦煤便是熔炼过程中碳的来源。
- Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon . Coking coal is a source of carbon in the smelting process .
- 一个在1935年创建的工业城市,当时主要作为奴隶的劳改所,这个西伯利亚城市是全世界最大的重金属熔炼厂。
- An industrial city founded in 1935 as a slave labor camp , the siberian city of norilsk houses the world 's largest heavy metals smelting complex .
- 通过这种方式还可以检测核弹的核聚变过程。
- The fusion stage can also be examined within the rules .
- 再来看一下各州和主要城市区域融合中心未来将如何共享情报吧。
- And notice how state and major urban area fusion centres will in future share information .
- 对用户而言,它是现实和虚拟世界一种新的融合。
- For the users , it was a new fusion between real and virtual worlds .
- 这些装置往往是粗糙而低效的,也就是在炉灶或炉上煮沸海水。
- These devices tended to be crude and inefficient , and boiled seawater above a stove or furnace .
- 正如从熔炉中冒出的生铁一样,经历一段冷却期将是明智的选择。
- As with pig iron emerging from the furnace , a cooling-off period would be wise .
- 何等熔炉在将你脑筋锻造?
- In what furnace was thy brain ?