- 如果是那样,你就可以满怀喜悦,轻松地表示你毫不吃惊:他父亲也是一个无赖。
- In that case you can take great pleasure in saying airily that you aren 't surprised : the father is a cad , too .
- 如果是这样的话那么1964年的自由之夏运动究竟是“推动改变的催化剂还是将新的毒液注入濒死文化的一场无关紧要的运动”?
- In that case was the freedom summer of 1964 " a catalyst for change or an unnecessary provocation that instilled new venom in a dying culture " ?
- 在这种情形下,你会发现不管你继续给他们提供物质帮助,譬如生活补贴还是给他们编制衣服,你不要期望他们很乐意陪伴你。
- In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material services , such as making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers , you must not expect that they will enjoy your company .
- 我当时是他的副手。
- I was then his no.2 .
- 当时整个剧场近乎疯狂。
- Then the theatre went wild .
- 接着是他的病情报告。
- Then came the medical bulletin .