- 他们如何才能产生出引爆下一次重大变革的火花?
- How can they generate the spark that ignites the next big thing ?
- 你的大脑需要dha来触发细胞之间的交流。
- Your brain needs dha to spark communication between cells .
- 围绕石油的地缘政治争端会不会触发1973年那样的危机?
- Will the geopolitics of oil spark another crisis as in 1973 ?
- 记录到的彩色物种包括火焰装贝壳。
- Colourful species recorded included flame shells .
- 这个火焰将被分配到土地上的每一个角落。
- Fires fed from this flame would be distributed throughout the land .
- 不论是谁设计了火焰病毒,他们现在都试图掩盖自己的踪迹。
- Whoever designed flame , they are now trying to cover their tracks .
- 电动汽车增长迅速,我们最近在达拉斯的办公室也安装了充电站。
- Electric cars are growing dramatically , and we recently installed charging stations at our offices in dallas .
- 在一番咒骂和绝望的搜寻之后,我们总算得救了:我们发现了一家充电站。
- After some cursing and desperate scanning we found salvation : a charging station .
- 他们将会使用betterplace公司的充电站。
- They would use charging stations owned by better place .