- 由于辐射水平很高,不大可能把objectshelter栓在一起或者焊接在一起,因此每过10年这个装置就到了崩溃的边缘。
- Owing to the high levels of radioactivity , it had been impossible to bolt or weld the object shelter together , so within a decade it was on the verge of collapse .
- 焊条与焊丝应该表面光洁,不得有缺陷,也不应有锈垢和油脂等杂质,因为它们会影响焊接的质量。
- Rods and wires shall have a smooth finish , free from surface imperfections , corrosion products , grease or other foreign matter which would affect the quality of the weld .
- 研究内容包括检查母材,热影响区,焊接金属,与所有金属之间的界面。
- Studies involve examination of the parent material , the heat-affected zone , the weld metal , and the interfaces between all metals involved .
- 防焊胶、拒焊胶。
- Solder glue , glue solder resist .
- 显然地,这些塑料线轴采用弹性开关来保护焊锡丝,把焊锡丝取出来,然后将你的耳机线缠进去。
- Apparently these plastic spools flip open and shut to dispense and protect the solder wick ; just take out the wick and wrap your earbuds around the spool instead .
- 锡铅焊料在过去的数十年间於电子封装产业扮演重要的角色。
- Lead-tin solder has played an important role in microelectronic packaging for the past few decades .
- 也许在焊接之前,你就已经将新的电线与小回路机械连接了。
- You may have to mechanically attach your new wires with tiny loops before soldering .
- 任何一个看起来很无辜的组件甚至一个焊接点都可能是隐藏的天线。
- An innocent-looking component or even a bit of soldering can be a disguised antenna .
- 在该公司灯光昏暗的会议室里,一面墙上写着东莞工厂全部3777名员工的名字,还有他们最新的焊接资格和其它技能。
- Along one wall in the company 's dimly lit lecture room are the names of all 3777 of its dongguan-based workers , complete with their latest soldering qualifications and other skills .
- 在nasa的米舒装配站,猎户座飞船的舱壁和前锥体通过搅拌摩擦焊接得以连接。
- The bulkhead and nosecone of the orion spacecraft are joined using friction stir welding at nasa 's michoud assembly facility .
- 只要有金属加工和焊接的技术,枪支就会存在,而不管架在守法公民头上的是什么样的枪支法律。
- As long as there is metalworking and welding capability it matters not what gun laws are imposed upon law-abiding people .
- 因此在真空包装过程中技术要求公司必须建立自身的焊接技术而没有供应商可以承担起这项任务。
- So technically demanding is the sealing process that the company had to create its own welding expertise-no supplier was up to the task .