- 同月,针对久保山之死还掀起了一股反核的请愿热潮,这项和平运动席卷了全国。
- During the same month , there was an upsurge in anti-nuclear petitions in response to kuboyama 's death , and the peace movement went national .
- 过去的几年农民的抗议达到了高潮,许多抗议是关于城市对农村土地的快速侵蚀。
- The past few years have seen an upsurge of peasant protests , many of them about the rapid encroachment of cities into rural land .
- 当时的金融危机过后,关于“我们不仅需要加强监管,而且需要建立一个全‘新国际金融体系’”的讨论达到高潮。
- After the financial crises then , there was an upsurge of discussion about the need not just for more regulation but for a whole " new international financial architecture " .