- 但对于那些仍然渴望以色列大统一的人来说,随着约旦河西岸完全地并入犹太人国家,他们嗅到了机会能将pa拉离困境并夺取其政权。
- But other israelis who still hanker after a greater israel , with the west bank fully integrated into the jewish state , smell an opportunity to put the pa out of its misery and grab the lot .
- 许多法国人希望这个世界有所改变,渴望某种版本的“一国社会主义”或者上世纪50年代的单色天堂。
- Many french would wish the world to be other than it is , and hanker after a version of " socialism in one country " or a monochrome 1950s paradise .
- 对于那些渴望居住在市中心、又希望享受乡村气息的购房者而言,开放周末是一个理想的机会,可以去探寻或设想伦敦花园广场的居住氛围,并权衡社区环境的优缺点。
- For house-hunters who hanker after central city living with a country quality , the open weekend is an ideal opportunity to prospect for or fantasise about london garden square living and to weigh up the pros and cons of communal space .