- 一直提醒我注意此事的人里,有澳大利亚环境事务专家保尔吉尔丁。
- One of those who has been warning me of this for a long time is paul gilding , the australian environmental business expert .
- 镀金百合将导致精神病。
- Gilding the lily leads to insanity .
- 它属于1590至1610年间打造的一小披米兰盔甲,用雕花、钻孔、镀金和大马士革制钢法代替了蚀刻装饰。
- It belongs to a small group of milanese armors made between 1590 and 1610 , in which etched decoration was abandoned in favor of engraving , punching , gilding , and damascening .
- 在国家电视台播放的一段视频中,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫声称俄国的政治体系出现停滞的信号,同时因为缺少强烈的反对声音,使俄国的执政党,统一俄罗斯党,面临着被腐蚀的危险。
- In a video shown on state television , president dmitry medvedev said that russia 's political system was showing signs of " stagnation " , and that the lack of serious opposition meant that russia 's ruling party , united russia , was in danger of " bronzing over " .
- 她和搭档robertson坐在白色绒布毯上为模特光裸的腿部铺上一层棕色的矿物粉末,和平时一样,那把特制的的粉刷大的足可以为一匹马梳理毛发或是为一辆汽车漆色。
- Lying on a white shag carpet , she and ms. robertson applied bronzing powder to a model 's bare legs . Application , as usual , required a specialty brush so big it looked like something you would groom a horse with , or wax a car .
- 燥,以免造成烫金层氧化或损伤。
- Dryness to avoid creating bronzing layer oxidizing or injury .