- 你不介意我抽根烟吧?
- Do you mind if I smoke ?
- 在每个房间安装烟雾探测器。
- Place smoke detectors in every room .
- 烟雾和士兵们在其身后盘绕。
- Behind him swirl smoke and soldiers .
- 男性仍然是烟草的目标顾客。
- Men remain tobacco 's target consumers .
- 投资者也许会想起烟草公司的历史。
- Investors might recall the history of tobacco companies .
- 但是烟草业是奇特有韧性的产业。
- But tobacco is a weirdly resilient industry .
- 香烟烟雾和辐射同样会产生自由基。
- Cigarette smoke and radiation also produce free radicals .
- 你的烟不是只有你一个人在吸。
- Your cigarette is not only smoked by you .
- 二手烟的危害大多数人都知道吸烟有害健康。
- Most people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their health .