- 一年之后,一组研究人员揭开了烈士名字背后他的真实人生以及阿拉伯之春的经济根源。
- One year on , a team of researchers uncovers the man behind the martyr and the economic roots of the arab spring .
- 国王圣像的标题页显示查尔斯一世作为一个殉道者下跪祈祷。
- The frontispiece to eikon basilike showed charles I as a martyr , kneeling in prayer .
- 这是一个殉道者\弥赛亚的必须具备的秘密:神化和崇拜殉道者。
- This is a vital part of the archetypal martyr / messiah myth : to mythologize and deify the martyr .