- 我的大舅哥和岳父首先吃到了带有硬币的饺子,随后的几个小时,我们在炕上喝酒、吃饺子,同时观看春节晚会。
- My brother-in-law and father-in-law bit into the dumplings with the two coins early in the proceedings , but we spent the next hour or so drinking and eating dumplings on the kang , watching the cctv gala .
- 眼见如此有利,老康说,如果彭老板现场付钱的话,他保证明天送达。
- Seeing his advantage , lao kang said he could guarantee delivery the next day if boss peng paid him on the spot .
- “我也没挣到钱,成本太高,”老康回应说。
- " I 'm not making money on this deal , either , because my costs are so high , " lao kang replied .