- 就像用一个紧密的盖子持续压下不满,某国是不是冒险制造一个会爆炸的压力锅?
- By keeping such a tight lid on grievances , does china 's government risk creating a pressure cooker that could blow ?
- 他们指出,京都在最后一刻才免于崩溃,2007年巴厘岛态度强硬的美国最终在会议大厅的“高压锅”里妥协。
- Kyoto , they point out , was saved from collapse at the eleventh hour , while the bali talks in 2007 were rescued when us opposition wilted in the pressure cooker of the conference chamber .
- 梅耶说,就建筑而言,它绝对不是一个简单的教育体制问题,强调技术能力高于抽象思维之上,而且它还是个高压锅,迫使开发商以尽快的速度,以尽可能高的利润去搞建筑。
- In architecture , mayer says , the problem is not simply an education system that stresses technical skills over abstract thinking but also the pressure cooker that compels developers to build as fast and as profitably as possible .