- 我祖母有个烧木柴的炉子,上面总在煮些闻起来极香的好吃的东西。
- She had a wood-burning stove , and there was always something smelling great on the burners .
- 托尼大厨的另外一个电子:谁愿意在火炉里面工作一整天?
- Another thought from chef tony : who wants to slave over a hot stove all day ?
- 而她的祖母也曾经干过用把冰激凌放在平底锅上用火炉加热的事儿。
- Her grandmother also used to heat her ice cream in a saucepan on the stove .
- 今天,我们有餐具出售。
- We are having a sale on dinnerware today .
- 正餐餐具非常高兴去欢迎新邻居的到来。
- The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to welcome the new neighbors .
- 专家说三聚氰胺可以通过象塑料餐具这样的物品以低量渗透进食物。
- Experts say melamine sometimes accidentally leaches into the food supply in low levels , from things like plastic dinnerware .