- 巨噬细胞吞噬二氧化硅诱发纤维组织增生,产生胶原纤维沉积结节。
- The silica induces a fibrogenic response by macrophages to produce the nodular foci of collagen deposition .
- 他写道,大部分退行性影响集中在城市中,这里缺乏个性和艺术珍品,缺乏像中世纪的大教堂那种凝聚城市生活的雄壮的建筑物。
- He notes that most of these degenerative influences are concentrated in the cities , which lack individuality and artistic treasures , and have no magnificent buildings to serve as foci of city life , as did the cathedrals of the middle ages .
- 核素扫描显示多个病灶,脊柱周围颜色较深的病灶代表转移性病变。
- This nuclear medicine bone scan reveals multiple areas of increased uptake , which are the darker foci , such as in the vertebral column representing metastases .
- 重点之一就是制造业升级。
- One focus was improving manufacturing .
- 全球经济复苏回合应把重心放在制造业与服务业上。
- The global recovery round should focus on manufacturing and services .
- 组织一些聚焦孩子的项目。
- Organize projects that focus on kids .
- 厨房全都粘满了蛋糕.
- The kitchen is full of cake .
- 大人需要监督孩子在厨房的安全!
- Kids need adult supervision in the kitchen !
- 史密斯夫人的厨房里有什么东西?
- What are in mrs. smith 's kitchen ?
- 戴维在一家炉厂工作。
- David worked in an oven factory .
- 将烤箱预加热到华氏350度。
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees .
- 有人问过:在微波炉附近存放食品健康吗?
- Q. is it healthy to store foods near a microwave oven ?
- 我祖母有个烧木柴的炉子,上面总在煮些闻起来极香的好吃的东西。
- She had a wood-burning stove , and there was always something smelling great on the burners .
- 托尼大厨的另外一个电子:谁愿意在火炉里面工作一整天?
- Another thought from chef tony : who wants to slave over a hot stove all day ?
- 而她的祖母也曾经干过用把冰激凌放在平底锅上用火炉加热的事儿。
- Her grandmother also used to heat her ice cream in a saucepan on the stove .