- 发现6种神奇的减肥食品
- 6 Miraculous diet food finds
- 此外,多花一些时间在神奇的东西上面。
- Also , spend some time with miraculous things .
- 肯塔基州那神奇的夜晚已经过去8年了。
- It 's been eight years since that miraculous night in kentucky .
- 失望可能会太具摧毁性,导致他们经常需要寻求心理和精神上的指导。
- The disappointment can be so crushing that they often need to seek psychological and spiritual guidance .
- 人们在寻找某些更注重体验、更注重精神的东西。
- People are looking for something more experience-based , and more spiritual .
- 但这种精神的觉醒似乎是一个缓慢的过程,无法一蹴而就。
- Spiritual awareness seems to be a process and not an event .
- 即使顶级大师也无法抵挡一篇优秀的鬼故事的魅力。
- Even top academics can 't resist a good ghost story .
- 他站在那里看着那个鬼,吓得不能动弹。
- Eg. he stood staring at the ghost , transfixed with terror .
- 兰克思是一个拥有25000人口的叙利亚村庄,其西部区域成了一座鬼镇。
- The western half of rankous , a syrian village of 25000 , is a ghost town .