- 他很高兴,坐在屋子里看书,再也不提诸如生活在灯塔里之类的事了。
- He sat in his room , and read his books , and said no more about living on a lighthouse .
- 日本的民族主义者曾于1990年和1996年来到这些岛屿上旅行,并且建造了一座灯塔,在主权上提出了进一步的经济要求。
- Japanese nationalists traveled to the islands in 1990 and 1996 to build a lighthouse and further the economic claim for sovereignty .
- 英国人又建了一座灯塔、一座钟楼及其他各种各样的建筑,包括一些新艺术和装饰派艺术的建筑。
- The british added a lighthouse , clock tower and sundry other buildings , including some art nouveau and art deco houses .
- 属于一个法老的女儿.
- It belonged to a pharos daughter .
- 在法老及王者之地,人称埃及,是无法使其低头的。
- In the land of pharos and kings they said egypt could never be humbled .
- 新型远程遥控遥测航标灯的设计与实现。
- The design and reality of new remote control and remote sense pharos .
- 一个民主的埃及可以再次成为中东地区的灯塔。
- A democratic egypt could once again be a beacon to the region .
- 到1990年代晚期,它已经变成了亚洲多党民主的一盏明灯。
- By the late 1990s it had become a beacon of multi-party democracy in asia .
- vilaolympica仍是吸引私人投资者的一座灯塔。
- Vila olympica remains a beacon for private investors .