- 即便是成功的电刑也让人毛骨悚然,nebraska州的官员必须随时准备好灭火器,并要睁大双眼关注囚犯脑袋上冒出来的烟,还会闻到肉烧焦的味道,被处以电刑的人看起来在经历着痛苦。
- Even a successful electrocution is macabre . Officials in nebraska had to keep a fire extinguisher ready and an eye out for smoke coming from the prisoner 's head . A smell of burnt flesh was to be expected . People being electrocuted appear to experience pain .
- 买一个灭火器放到室外。
- Buy a fire extinguisher to keep outside .
- 他们向警察投掷了鸡蛋,木棍,酒瓶和一些灭火器。
- They threw eggs , sticks , bottles and a fire extinguisher at the police .