- 但是我们准备好了看那些人死去,看他们的文化消亡吗?
- But are we prepared to see people die and their cultures die out ?
- 这种对商业活动嗤之以鼻的态度不只存在于英国,也并没有因制服男仆和成人礼舞会的出现而消亡。
- This sniffy attitude towards commerce was not confined to britain nor did it die out with liveried footmen and debutante balls .
- 为什么这样一个持久的物种灭绝了?
- Why did such a durable species die out ?
- 这个物种目前正面临灭绝的危险。
- The species is currently in danger of extinction .
- 物种灭绝是地球生命过程的一大组成部分。
- Extinction is very much a part of life on earth .
- 物种灭绝有各种各样的原因。
- Extinction comes in various ways .