- 他们称这会导致全球性的问题,从而毁掉整个世界。
- They say this will cause global problems that will destroy the world .
- 我将要毁掉android,因为他是个剽窃的产品。
- I 'm going to destroy android , because it 's a stolen product .
- 巴西发展农业不需要砍掉亚马逊的树或是毁掉剩余的热带稀树草原。
- Brazil need not chop down the amazon or destroy the remaining savannahs to expand its agriculture .
- 很长时间以来,这是我头一次感觉到希望的火花,并且我不打算让它就此熄灭。
- For the first time in a long time I felt a flicker of hope , and I didn 't intend to let it extinguish .
- 14每52年,当阿芝特克人的日历完成了一个周期,他们将熄灭帝国内的每一个火苗。
- 14 Every 52 years , when their calendar completed a cycle , the aztecs would extinguish every flame in the empire .
- 接着,一名员工被选中使用灭火器扑灭停车场的一堆火。
- Later , an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot .
- 要有远见谚语讲:没有憧憬,民族灭亡。
- Have vision proverbs says " where there is no vision , the people perish . "
- 对于那种即使是仅允许最体弱多病的的人灭亡的想法,我们是极力反对的,并且尽我们一切努力使人们活着。
- We fight against the idea of allowing even the most weak and sickly human perish and do everything we can to keep human beings alive .
- 对许多社会主义者来说,马克思的重要性在于,他既为社会主义者对资本主义给予了猛烈的道德攻击,还预言了资本主义必然灭亡。
- The importance of marx for many socialists was that he gave them both a moral onslaught on capitalism and the prophecy that it was bound to perish .