- 轻喷砂或酸蚀可充分,但是在灌浆前必须完全中和。
- Light sandblasting or acid etching may be sufficient but must be completely neutralized before grouting .
- 一定要擦到各个角落。
- Scrub along the grouting and into the corners .
- 每天的注浆工作都和着满身的汗和泥。
- Potters always covered with sweat and mud because of grouting work everyday .
- 一个可能的方法是将现金注入公司的养老金。
- One possibility would be the injection of cash into their pension funds .
- 女婴还在冯女士腹中的时候就在当地工作人员的安排下通过注射杀害。
- The baby was killed while still in the womb by an injection arranged by local family-planning officials .
- 跟你一样他们在注射后和另一个过度兴奋的学生呆在一个房间。
- Like you they were shown into a room after the injection with the over-excited fellow student .
- 承包商应根据各种规范和所有制造商说明提供、储存砂浆,并进行灌浆。
- Contractor shall supply , store and install grout in accordance with specifications and all manufacturer 's instructions .
- 泥浆充分加工处理之后,移除临时模块。
- When the grout has cured sufficiently , the temporary blocks are removed .
- 九英寸平方灌浆模板高度可达到8英寸,11英寸平方灌浆模板高度可达到10英寸。
- Nine inch square grout forms are available in heights up to 8 inches , and 11 inch square grout forms are available in heights up to 10 inches .