- 去年冬天的压力差也非常大,但是与今年不同(移动方向相反),大量冷空气倾泻而下,带来了大量的降雪。
- Last winter 's pressure differences were gigantic as well , but in the opposite , negative direction , so lots of cold air poured down and we had tons of snow .
- 当谷歌说它将做电子书“主人”时,是否意味着所有内容数千部电子书中的亿万文字将被倾泻(比如:编入索引)到谷歌搜索引擎中?
- When google says that it will " host " the e-books , does that mean all the content the millions and millions of words - in its thousands of e-books will be poured ( ie : indexed ) into the google search engine ?
- 远在370公里的东京其高层建筑摇晃起来,人们纷纷涌出建筑物。
- People in tokyo 370 kilometres away poured out of buildings as high-rises swayed .
- 据费贡说,顶级家政管家年薪可达30万美元。
- Top household managers can earn up to $ 300,000 a year , says feigon .
- 位于该酒店顶层的是世界最高酒吧Ozone。
- Perched at the top level of the ritz is ozone , the world 's highest bar .
- 销量最高的市场分别为巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中东地区。
- Brazil , argentina , mexico , and the middle east are the top markets .