- 真正让他饱受嘉奖的则是其对上世纪70年代,由爱德华希思保守党政府所缔造的繁荣景象,将以失败告终的精准预言。
- More creditably , he correctly predicted that the boom generated by the conservative government under ted heath in the 1970s would end in tears .
- 丧钟悲鸣,城市披上黑纱,人们含着泪水脱帽默哀。由红橡木制成的灵车在七个州的主要城市停留,最后停在依利诺斯州的斯普林菲尔德,林肯的故乡。
- Bells sobbed , cities wore crepe , people stood in tears and with hats off as the red oak burial car paused in the leading cities of seven states , ending its journey at springfield , illinois . The hometown .
- 真正让他饱受嘉奖的则是其对上世纪70年代,由爱德华希思保守党政府所缔造的繁荣景象,将以失败告终的精准预言。
- More creditably , he correctly predicted that the boom generated by the conservative government under ted heath in the 1970s would end in tears .
- 发达国家数百万的高中毕业生将要含泪告别他们的父母,开始新的大学生活。
- Millions of school-leavers in the rich world are about to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new life at university .
- 在因重庆打黑案而被处死之前的几个小时里,曾为该市司法高官的文强吃了一份蒸蛋,还跟家人有过一次泪流满面的短暂团聚。
- Hours before he was put to death for his role in chongqing 's underworld scandal , the city 's former top cop enjoyed steamed eggs and a brief , tearful family reunion .
- 现已81岁的作者(10月16日是他的生日)被淹没在众人的包围中,蜂拥而至的摄影师,热泪盈眶见到他的书迷,来自世界各地的出版商们深为这耀眼的星光所震撼。
- And the 81-year-old author ( october 16 was his birthday ) was swamped , buried in the attention . Photographers swarmed , fans were tearful to have met him , his publishers , gathered from around the world , were starstruck .