- 据美国官员说,科恩还将跟欧洲官员讨论针对伊朗两家航空公司及其港口公司采取什么样的措施。
- Mr. cohen will also be talking about measures to target two iranian airlines , iran air and mahan air , as well as the port company , tidewater middle east co. , according to u.s. officials .
- 记号标明了潮水的高度。
- The marks record the height of the tidewater .
- 人群象潮水般往两旁退开,露出一条小路。
- Each one go back out both sides as the tidewater emerge a small road .
- 在洪水中溺水的牛。
- A cow sunk during the flood .
- 这里面最伟大的神话是关于洪水的。
- The greatest tale of all is that of the flood .
- 预计居民和企业会向保险公司提出大量索赔要求。
- Insurance companies can expect a flood of claims from residents and businesses .
- 反对“轰炸”月球的电话如潮水般打进位于华盛顿特区的美国航天局总部,人们担心撞击会影响地球上的潮汐,甚至影响到妇女的月经周期。
- Nasa 's headquarters in washington dc had faced a flood of calls from people objecting to the agency " bombing " the moon , fearing disruption to tides on earth and even their menstrual cycles .
- 室外餐桌不得不被移走,因为上涨的潮水已经毁坏了餐馆的水泥阳台,并且将遮阳的树木连根拔了起来。
- Beachside tables have been removed because rising tides have destroyed the restaurant 's concrete terrace and uprooted shading trees there .
- 雨水落下来,大片的鱼类死亡,而天气和潮水则用一种操蛋的方式来为我们留下的毒物收拾残局。
- Rain fell , and there was a huge fish die-off , but the weather and the tides had a shitty way of cleaning up our poisoned mess .