- 随着跳楼人数很快逼近两位数,潜伏的良心谴责开始令我觉得坐立不安。
- But as the number of jumpers approached double digits , latent self-reproach began to boil over .
- 右派宗教的行动主义者试图将潜在的同情心转变为实际的政治支持。
- Religious-right activists are trying to convert this latent sympathy into political support .
- 国民阵线会同时全面利用法国人的反移民情绪、对欧盟的潜在怀疑和精英理想的破灭。
- It would draw not only on anti-immigrant feeling but on latent french euroscepticism and disillusion with the elite .
- 发现一块隐藏的疣。
- Discovering a hidden patch of warts .
- 而那些钉子也隐藏在油漆下面。
- And those nails are well hidden with paint .
- 灵魂里的艺术家是不被隐藏的。
- The soul of the artist cannot remain hidden .
- 悄悄地从你身后逃离。
- Stealthily , stealthily from behind to flee you .
- 但是在社会化媒体上积极求职也能会让你不能悄悄地找工作。
- But being active on social media also can prevent you from searching stealthily .
- 马图尔在某个场合悄悄地进入庙宇去观看崇拜仪式。
- On a certain occasion mathur babu stealthily entered the temple to watch the worship .
- 大堂墙壁的屏幕上会播放客人在酒店周围潜水的画面。
- Screens on the lobby walls will show diving activities taking place around the hotel .
- 自1912年以来,只有四名女运动员曾在跳水中获得双项金牌。
- Since 1912 , only four women have won both gold medals in diving .
- 那船坞是农场一位前辈在一块草地上盖的,草地紧挨着一个专供游泳、跳水的深水池。
- Which a predecessor of ours at the farm built in the meadow hard by the deepest pool for swimming and diving .