- 当雨水还没淹没掉摇摇欲坠的帐篷和油布时,夏日的骄阳先把它们变成了暖房。
- When rain is not flooding the ramshackle tents and tarps , the summer sun turns them into hothouses .
- 2012年10月30日,威尼斯,摄于洪水泛滥时的比萨圣马可广场。
- A view of piazza san marco taken during flooding on october 31 , 2012 in venice .
- 计划包括在两条巴塔哥尼亚河上盖五座大坝,淹没5900公顷(14600英亩)自然保护区。
- The plan involves building five dams on two patagonian rivers , flooding 5900 hectares ( 14600 acres ) of nature reserves .
- 但他们自己心中也充满了疑问:欧洲强大和成功的秘密是什么?
- But they were also overflowing with questions that aimed to unlock the secret of europe 's great power and success .
- 我在一个充溢着红色花朵、阳光、黑色和黄色的蜜蜂的小院子里站了很长时间。
- I had stood for a long time in a little courtyard overflowing with red flowers , sunlight , and black and yellow bees .
- windows8最新版的微软软件未能挑选顾客进入一个微软公司商店上周在这里一个购物中心每次在该地区当停车场充满时。
- Windows 8 , the latest edition of microsoft 's software , failed to pack shoppers into a microsoft store in a mall here last week , at a time when parking lots in the area were overflowing .