- 不过,这也是信心的表明。
- But it does demonstrate confidence .
- 采取行动去证明你所听到的。
- Take action to demonstrate that you 've heard .
- 我们可以通过一个小游戏来证明这一点。
- We can demonstrate this with a little game .
- 这个恩惠,我会向你表明的。
- This kindness will I show .
- 有些表现了很强的基因影响。
- Some show strong genetic influence .
- 评估表明了什么问题?
- What did the evaluations show ?
- 学生们还将学习肢体语言、演讲、压力处理和陈述技巧。
- Students also learn body language , public-speaking , stress management and presentation skills .
- 当你陈述的时候,你是在一个地方不动,还是走来走去?
- When you give a presentation , do you usually stand in one place or move around ?
- 这里有一些关于如何做一个恰如其分的报告的好例子。
- Here are some good examples on how to make a proper presentation .
- 大多数路人看到这次游行都挺高兴。
- Passersby mostly seemed amused by the demonstration .
- 大陆媒体对在香港发生的游行保持着沉默。
- Mainland chinese media imposed a virtual news blackout on the demonstration .
- 来自印度各地的近4万民众参加了此次游行。
- The demonstration drew an estimated 40000 people from across india .