- 允许人民币自由浮动并非没有代价。
- To float the renminbi is not costless .
- 在阳光普照的摩加迪沙港口,七只帆船和三艘货轮漂浮在水面上。
- Seven dhows and three freighters float in the sunlit port of mogadishu .
- 硅藻会在营养丰富的水溶液中漂浮且会在阳光下产生油。
- Diatoms would float about in a nutrient-rich water solution and produce oil when exposed to sunlight .
- 两种色调的映山红的盛开造就了花园里鲜花非常艳丽的花朵。
- Two-toned azaleas blossoms make for very showy blooms in the flower garden .
- 他最值得骄傲的努力是在1976年将石油行业国有化,以10亿美元收购了所有的外国公司并用艳丽的金笔签署了文件。
- His proudest stroke was to nationalise the oil industry in 1976 , buying up the foreign companies for $ 1 billion and signing the papers with a showy gold pen .
- 这个岛屿是加拿大最小的省份,有着各式各样艳丽的树种:枫树、橡树、桦树、颤杨和白杨,它们各自为那里的多姿多彩风景提供了自己所独有的色调。
- The island , the smallest of the canadian provinces , is home to a variety of showy fall species : maple , oak , birch , quaking aspen and poplar , each contributing its own hue to the polychrome landscape .
- 从年代或区域跨度来看,短肯定会意味着肤浅。
- In a chronological or regional treatment , short would surely mean superficial .
- 这是一个肤浅的时代;很少人为工作做好准备。
- It is a superficial age ; very few prepare for their work .
- 第新开店和不断推出新产品带来的增长是表面的。
- Third , opening new stores and launching a blizzard of new products create only superficial growth .