- 怎么像一个过滤器一样来应用它?
- How does this apply as a filter ?
- 而因特网更成了好的新闻过滤器。
- The internet offers an even finer filter .
- 我需要它帮我过滤来电者.
- I need it to filter out callers .
- 这么做将增加金融市场的压力。
- That will add strain to financial markets .
- 国家的经济正承受着压力。
- The economy is feeling the strain .
- 科学家们正致力于开发一种新的疫苗。
- Scientists are working on developing a vaccine against the new strain .
- 从这类站点中滤除特定信息是维护统治的最为精确但也是耗资最大的方法。
- Filtering out specific content from such sites is the subtlest but most expensive means of maintaining control .
- 当我们能建立一个新的滤除系统时,datasift将使rss有更少的联系。
- Datasift is going to make rss very much less relevant as we 're able to build new filtering systems .
- 对我来说,马克有限的女性经验导致了电影中女性角色的滤除,而这并不是性别歧视,恰恰是很好的电影剧本创作。
- To me , this filtering of the female characters through mark 's limited experience of them isn 't sexism ; it 's good screenwriting .