- 她非常笨拙,不是特别聪明,但是她阳光般的微笑可以温暖世界上最冰冷的心,并且始终用开朗的态度面对生活的坎坷。
- She 's very clumsy and not particularly intelligent , but with a bright beaming smile that could warm the coldest hearts and a cheerful attitude to life whatever it throws at her .
- 从布达佩斯往南骑了一天半时间,我遇到了一位从对面骑来的日本车手。
- A day-and-a-half south of budapest I met a very cheerful japanese cyclist coming in the opposite direction .
- 他慢慢朝家走,对遥远的未来没有任何欢乐的幻想,他只感到目前处境艰难。
- As he walked slowly homeward , he had no cheerful visions of the distant future . He only felt that the present was very hard .