- 对于用耐心和爱来烹煮的盛宴来说,仅仅是冰冷,潮湿的事后想法。
- Just the cold , wet afterthought to a piping-hot feast cooked with patience and love .
- 对于用耐心和爱来烹煮的盛宴来说,仅仅是冰冷,潮湿的事后想法。
- Just the cold , wet afterthought to a piping-hot feast cooked with patience and love .
- 增加了厨师的困扰,但是坐在温暖的什么都可以吃的餐厅里,从你冒着热气的食物中抬起头,或使很多天的瓦罐汤凝固,是多么美好的事。
- Added hassle for the chef , but rather nice for you when you glance over from your piping hot meal at the lukewarm all-you-can-eat buffet or curdling vat of days-old soup being slopped out for the other punters .