- 但是没那么有趣罢了。
- Not so funny after all .
- 行文是正确的,但读起来却很滑稽。
- It is correct , but it reads funny .
- 一个有趣的事情发生了。
- Then a funny thing happens .
- 波浪形的墙壁似波涛在汹涌,滑稽的烟囱仿佛在房顶舞蹈。
- Wavy walls seem to undulate and a comical array of chimney stacks dance across the roof .
- 不可思议的现实……试图在怪异与正常之间达到一种滑稽的平衡
- A weird reality , striking a comical balance between eccentric and normal
- 这就像我们做滑稽动作或开玩笑逗别人开心一样。
- This is similar in the way that we incite others to laughter by doing something comical or telling a funny joke .
- 他总爱添枝加叶,把故事讲得更有趣。
- Eg. he always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing .
- 播音员报道了一条有趣的新闻。
- The announcer broadcasted a piece of amusing news .
- 那里的生活不怎么有趣;通常很无聊,对吗?
- That wasn 't very amusing ; rather dull at times , eh ?