- 针对这种预测,奥巴马团队在今夏就开始大量投放广告,以求在罗姆尼的广告潮将自己淹没之前将信息传递给选民。
- In anticipation of this tide , the obama campaign started advertising heavily over the summer , aiming to get their message over before it could be drowned out .
- 这位少女预言过,亵渎神明的人,将要淹死在他自己的罪恶里。
- This maid prophesied that the blasphemer should be drowned in his si .
- 金钱是深不可测的海洋,能淹没廉耻,良心和是非感。
- Money is a bottomless sea , in which honour , conscience , and truth may be drowned . Dey .