- 但是美国的前景忽然灰暗了。
- But america 's prospects have suddenly darkened .
- 忽然,我感到有一只手搭在我的肩膀上。
- Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder .
- 那么,为什么中央银行家们忽然之间变得如此顾虑?
- So why are the central bankers suddenly worried now ?
- 海南常务副省长李克说,海南就是受益于工业大转移的内陆省份之一,不断从浙江、广东吸引生产企业来落户。
- Henan is among the inland provinces benefiting from the industrial shifts as it lures away more firms from zhejiang and guangdong , said li ke , henan 's executive vice governor .
- 第二种是28至30岁的女性,又称“必剩(胜)客”,来自恶搞pizzahut的中文名称“必胜客”。
- The next category is 28 - to 30-year-old women , or " the ones who must triumph , " bi sheng ke , a play on the chinese name for pizza hut .
- 这种突变对智能和心理健康没有影响,ke家庭在这些方面完全正常。
- The mutation did not alter intelligence or psychological well-being ; the ke family was normal in those regards .