- 我的内心深处告诉我并没有被抛弃.
- Deep down I knew I wasn 't abandoned .
- 莫斯科的影响确实积怨甚深。
- Moscow 's influence runs deep indeed .
- 我们与以色列的友谊深厚而长久。
- Our friendship with israel is deep and enduring .
- 在1970年代的种族大屠杀中,红色高棉处决了大部分占族首领,企图灭绝整个占族及伊斯兰教徒并将其排除在红色高棉声称所建设的毛主义天堂外。
- In the genocidal 1970s the khmer rouge executed most leaders of the cham and tried to exterminate both the tribe and islam from the maoist paradise they said they were building .
- 总部位于瑞士cham的rapidshare被广泛用于合法目的,例如,广告代理机构想向世界各地的客户展示宣传活动,它是有密码保护来限制公众访问的。
- Rapidshare , based in cham , switzerland , is widely used for legitimate purposes - for advertising agencies wanting to show campaigns to clients around the world , for example - and is password-protected , limiting public access .
- 桑尼利斯顿,你不是冠军!你是个大肉块!
- Sonny liston , you ai n 't no cham p ! You a chump !