- 同时那天我还喝了大量的水来清洁我的口腔。
- I also drink plenty of water during the day to cleanse my palate .
- 提到可以作为色拉配料的苜蓿芽,它也能帮助净化体内各系统、清新口气。
- Speaking of salad ingredients , alfalfa sprouts also help cleanse your system and sweeten your breath .
- 水还具有清洁人体内部器官的能力,可以冲洗干净人体内部的杂质和有害毒素。
- Additionally , it has the ability to cleanse your internal organs by washing away impurities and harmful toxins inside your body .
- 他们相信,通过对语言的清洗,扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。
- Purge the language of rotten thinking , they believed , and truth and reason would prevail at last .
- 过往金融危机的所有证据都清楚表明,可持续的复苏伴随着受污染的资产负债表的净化。
- All the evidence from financial crises past makes clear that sustainable recovery is contingent on a purge of contaminated balance sheets .
- 作为google净化计划第一阶段的一部分,计划执行人员将销毁所有有版权google搜寻不了的资料。
- As a part of purge 's first phase , executives will destroy all copyrighted materials that cannot be searched by google .
- 一位来自前东德地区的同事建议团队使用俄罗斯的铀富集设备对一些物质进行提纯。
- A colleague from what was once east germany suggested the team use a russian uranium enrichment facility to purify some material .
- 他成功地将盘尼西林从特异青霉素霉菌中提取了出来,但无法对混合物进行提纯。
- He successfully isolated the chemical from the mould penicillium notatum , but could not purify the compound .
- 研究人员接着碾碎橘色蚜虫并提纯出它们的类胡萝卜素,结果表明正是这些提取物能吸收光能且传递能量。
- The researchers went on to crush the orange aphids and purify their carotenoids , demonstrating that it was these extracts that could absorb light and pass this energy on .