- 党所支持的项目进展迅速。
- Projects it supports make rapid progress .
- 基金会认为,梦般的十年也被迅速的信贷增长忽悠了。
- The dream decade was also sweetened by rapid credit growth , according to the fund .
- 迅速的社会改革带来了城市经济的增长、教育的发展和大型公司的崛起。
- Rapid social change is coming with urban growth , more education and the rise of big companies .
- 前方,是一片暴雨形成的雾气和一项如亚马逊雨林本身一样庞大的任务:在地球上最大的雨林深处寻找一种治疗癌症的新药物。
- Ahead , a white haze of torrential rain and a task as immense as the amazon rainforest itself : discovering a new treatment for cancer somewhere in the depths of the greatest tropical rainforest on earth .
- 连月的暴雨已经在朝鲜全国引发洪水和山体滑坡。
- Months of torrential rain have caused flooding and landslides all over the country .
- 然而上百名参观者无惧酷热或是豪雨,只为了把握机会享受十分钟的历史之旅。
- Hundreds of visitors are braving either searing heat or torrential downpours for the opportunity to take a ten minute tour of history .